The Night Cat (FItzroy) is already such a vibe to have as a venue – the funky décor of the vintage lamps gives an ambient red glow across the space and really creates an intimate environment. It’s already well known for its electric atmosphere and crazy moshes so I knew I was in for a ride when I saw the Belair Lip Bombs were going to play there before they set off to Europe.

I’ve seen Belair lip bombs before at Shot kickers – and I didn’t know them when they played at the time. They were one of those bands that I was incomplete awe of – it felt like my feet were lifting off the floor and I was going to shoot off into space when I heard ‘Look the Part’ live. Safe to say their album ‘lush life’ has been on repeat ever since.

Their sound is oddly nostalgic – growing up with a dad who loves The Cure, The Smiths, The Stone Roses- it’s no surprise I felt a deep connection to The Bombs. It’s really great to see them bring in the old-school sound to shape it and make it their own.

For this gig I was right in the middle of the mosh pit and I couldn’t have been happier. The synergy of the band is palpable – it’s one of the gifts of life seeing people who are passionate about music make their magic on stage.  Not only that but to be surrounded with people who love music as much as you do – seeing them smile, scream the lyrics, dance their hearts out- there’s like a spiritual experience just in that.

The mosh pit was insane and very respectful – if you got pushed over someone was there to pick you right back up. I was surrounded by my beautiful friends, and we screamed the lyrics until our voices gave out, particularly for ‘Gimme, Gimme’.

I find the lead singer Maisie so inspiring –she empowers me to be confident in a male dominated industry. She actually made a speech in the middle of the performance to talk about her position being a women in the music industry: ‘if you’re a woman in the music industry like me, just know I know how hard it is, so good on you’. This made her in my head 10 times cooler than she already is – not only is she absolutely killing it as a singer and guitarist, but she is also incredibly supportive of her fellow women.

Last thoughts: Every time I see the Lip Bombs I am reminded of the gift of music – we are so lucky to see such talented musicians in our lifetime. They give us rock, they give us punk, they give us pop – what can’t they do!  If you haven’t already – go see them when they next are in Melbs!


