Picture: Travalley talk all-things new releases and Instagram live events. Source: Drew McCarty
The live music industry in Melbourne has seen a huge stand-still due to COVID-19, however, bands such as Ballarat’s Travalley have used this time to hone their skills, keep positive, and release ear-tingling tunes.
From starting out in Ballarat as a four-piece, to a now Melbourne-based duo consisting of brothers Levi and Sam Mellington, Travalley have cemented themselves as an exciting alt-surf-rock duo who are the gift that keeps on giving.
On May 5 the dynamic duo uploaded their latest single, Dear Babe, which was followed closely by their hilarious DZ Deathrays and Dune Rats inspired video clip, which shows Levi and Sam scoffing down some red hot chillies, displaying the boys’ larrikin-style nature almost perfectly.
Speaking on the inspiration behind their comical clip, Levi said both him and his brother wanted to portray their fun-loving characters.
“We just don’t really take ourselves too seriously and we like to have as much fun as possible at the expense of ourselves,” he said.
“We’re happy to make everyone laugh just by doing something dumb.”
Their commitment to making enjoyable content for listeners is more than evidenced here - possibly a little too well, as Levi detailed the after-effects of inhaling far too many piping-hot chillies in a small amount of time.
“So we recorded it about four or five weeks ago and my stomach lining was just wrecked,” he said.
“I’ve only just been able to really start eating properly again.”
Sam, on the other hand, took a face-first dive into the chillies, with milk being poured all over his face afterwards.
On the inner-workings of Dear Babe, their fourth release of 2020, Levi spoke of using an old sun-kissed guitar as his starting point for his creative processes.
“I have this really really shit guitar, well it was good - but I left it in the car on a 40 degree day at work, and when you leave acoustics in the car they crack because they expand,” he said.
“So I always go to that guitar first to write the songs, because if it can sound good on that, it’s going to sound good anywhere.”
Have you ever gone blank or had word vomit when you’re trying to act cool in front of the person you like? It’s a feeling most people may have encountered on a typical night out. Levi encapsulates this somewhat humbling and relatable experience lyrically throughout Dear Babe.
“I guess it’s one of those songs that everyone relates to because you picture it in your head like, I’m gonna say this, or I’m gonna say this, I’m going to act this way, and sound real cool and real sexy and then you get to the stage and you're like nah, this is just not working - you just freak out and go blank,” he said.
“It’s kind of like an ode to everyone to just say, ‘It’s fine, you don’t have to be cool or sexy.’”
With an exciting, quick pace setting the scene and a Jungle Giants inspired chord progression, what’s not to love? The song is fun and upbeat, and keeps the listener on their toes all the way throughout with explosive drum beats courtesy of Sam, and tantalising vocals from Levi.
On Saturday May 23 the Ballarat boys are going live on their Instagram (@travalley_) for an hour (yep, you heard it right, an HOUR) of covers and originals.
Pictured: Travalley are going live on their Instagram for an hour on Saturday May 23. Source: Instagram screenshot
“So it’ll pretty much be like 80 per cent of our songs and then maybe four or five covers,” Levi said.
Levi and Sam have a glistening path ahead of them once restrictions ease, and they can channel their energy from Dear Babe into their live shows.
Levi hinted at a possible “Trav-fest”, in the works, with a night of indie-pop, alt-rock, and DJ sets on the cards. But I won’t spoil all the details! More on “Trav-fest” to come in the future.
For now, sit back in Melbourne’s winter sun when you can and enjoy the tranquil tunes of Travalley.