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We’ve already heard the sort of vibes Sydney songwriter Oly Sherman has been working with for 2020 on his January release, ‘Madness’, and now we’re getting more insights into this talented musician’s building stock of work. Releasing his new single ‘Homeboy’ this month, Sherman swathes polished songwriting in slick production and indie influences. Another strong step forward for Sherman, ‘Homeboy’ is one of his most intimate offerings yet.
That in mind, check out his top 10 tracks for getting you through to remaining iso times!


We’ve already heard the sort of vibes Sydney songwriter Oly Sherman has been working with for 2020 on his January release, ‘Madness’, and now we’re getting more insights into this talented musician’s building stock of work. Releasing his new single ‘Homeboy’ this month, Sherman swathes polished songwriting in slick production and indie influences. Another strong step forward for Sherman, ‘Homeboy’ is one of his most intimate offerings yet.

That in mind, check out his top 10 tracks for getting you through to remaining iso times!

Vernal Pools by oso leone

  • I knew of the band a fair while ago but have just recently got back into their sound. What particularly grabs me about their music, is how clean their drum grooves are. 

War of My Life by John Mayer

  • Again, another song which I’ve known for a while. I remember listening to this song in my bed on holidays with my family. I feel like this stuff from John is super underrated, and his song writing, especially within this track, really influences my own. 

LA Egypt by Vinyl Williams

  • Completely out of the realm in regard to the music I release, but I love this band. It really doesn’t get more psyche rock than these guys at the moment, and they are always constantly releasing music. 

Keep It Low by Hablot Brown

  • A band I discovered whilst on tour. I fell in love with the Hablot boys music so quickly. They are super vast musicians, and they know how to make a beat. I’ve pretty much vibed with most of their songs in the last month or so. 

Chemicals by SG Lewis

  • The man can write no wrong. SG is always my go to guy for a vibe. As soon as I heard the synth hook on this song I was completely sold, and could not stop telling anyone about it. 

She Don’t Have to Know by John Legend

  • Again, I’ve been going back into the archives a lot recently, and this song is always stuck on my mind. Probably something that I didn’t notice or admit much at first, By John Legend would also have to be one of my biggest influences. 

Straightfaced by Spacey Jane

  • I had actually heard this bands name floating around for a while now but never actually managed to listen to any of their music. I heard this song on the radio, and loooved the ending. The rest of the song with the lyrics made the rest of my mind up. 

10th Avenue by Charli Adams

  • Another recent discovery, I really love how Charli’s vocals fold into each other, and blend so easily, without sounding like she’s trying at all. Big ups on this song. 

Fools by Drugdealer 

  • Love this song for its super 70’s feel. I always chuck this band on when I’m doing chores.


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