We jumped on for an e-interview with Kit // Katie Wighton from All Our Exes Live In Texas, about her recent jump to a solo debut and her latest release, her influences, the change to livestream shows to replace live gigs during isolation, and what she’s looking forward to once everything calms down.

Where did the name 'Kit' come from - is it just a nickname you went with or was it specifically chosen as a solo stage name?
It was specifically chosen for my solo stage name :) I was just writing down all the letters in my name and it kept popping up. I made a font by writing out all the letters and I really liked the way KIT looked together. I wish it was a better story tbh..!

 What triggered the jump to a solo act?
I had been writing some pretty rocky music and when Exes took a break from touring and playing loads, it just felt really right to start working on my solo stuff. Music is my outlet and I didn’t want that to stop just because my band were taking a break. :)

 Following your new single and music video for 'Good Guy', how would you actually describe what you believe are traits of a real good guy? Have you met many 'good guys' (the 'actually I'm a bad guy' ones)?
Haha this is a great question! I think the traits of an ACTUAL good guy would be a willingness to own their mistakes; self-awareness; a desire to learn from the women around them and strong female role models; someone who calls out bad behaviour in a positive, non-violent way - especially with their friends and someone who listens to women. 

I have unfortunately met a few ‘good guys’ which is a real shame. I mean the ones who have high-profiles are the worst because they teach other men that they can behave badly and get away with it. But I also have a lot of genuine good guys in my life, so that gives me hope! 

We heard that you performed with the first-ever streamed virtual version of Live Lounge through Instagram recently with a bunch of Collarts students and other artists. We missed it, unfortunately, but how did it go?
It was really lovely!! I teach at Collarts and so it was really nice to perform to some of my students. I really love performing and I actually miss it so so much. I only got to do ONE band show with KIT BC (before Corona) and so I am really looking forward to doing another when this whole thing gets lost.  

You're also planning your own live stream for your single launch show with Bonnie Songs, Nancie Schipper & Hannah Blackburn via Instagram in a week's time. We've obviously seen a lot of live streams being pulled together for similar shows and 'tours', with even a few international artists jumping on board for Isol-Aid, etc. Is this something you're enjoying, and what are your thoughts on the whole situation? How is it singing to/interacting with a digital audience in that way?
I really am! My friend Merpire started Isol-Aid with some other incredible women and I remember her calling me and saying “I have this idea…” and I was like, “Dude. This is huge.” And it is! I absolutely love the idea of inclusive gigs. I think festivals like Isol-Aid have inadvertently stumbled upon a whole bunch of people who have actually been left out of live music for a long time. People who are unable to leave their homes for whatever reason. And I really hope that after this we remember those people and keep including them. 

Digital audiences are very different I think because you’re hearing their thoughts! You never get 200 people watching you and saying lovely things. Partly because people are too shy and partly because it would be rude to talk so much during a gig! So I think it’s a really positive thing to come out of a real crap situation. 

 Are there any other artist's live streams that you're looking out for/forward to?
My friend Merpire (bloody banging on about her but I adore her so I am not gonna stop) is doing a live stream in the next week - I’m not quite sure when - and her music is just incredible. James Seymour plays and lives with her so I’m sure he’ll be jumping in and that’s so fun to watch at the moment when most of us can’t play music with our bandmates! 

Biggest influences - personal and/or professional/musical?
Ooh another good question! I think personally I would say my mum. She has an incredibly strong character. She’s kind, honest, generous and stands up for what she believes in. Honesty has always been rewarded in my family and I’m really grateful for that! 

I would say I’m really inspired by my colleagues at Collarts too. They’re all really great teachers and musicians - no egos which is rare and incredible to be a part of!  

What songs would you include in a Top 5 Isolation Bangers playlist to perk up your day?
OMG Okay. Juice by Lizzo FOR SURE. How can that not get you dancing?

The Middle by Jimmy Eat World. Those lyrics “It just takes some time, little girl you’re in the middle of the ride everything, everything will be alright” are so damned appropriate atm!  

In 5 years time after coronavirus calms down, what are your plans once we’re allowed out of isolation? What have you been missing most during this time?
5 years?! IT HAD BETTER NOT BE FIVE BLOODY YEARS. Ummmm my friends. For sure. I’m an extrovert which means I really need groups of people to hang with - not just one or two which is pretty much impossible at the moment. I also miss gigs and leaving Brunswick and camping and kissing and hugging and touching!! 

 Do you find you write better in times of isolation and on your own, or when you're able to collaborate/be with/around others?
I think I write better when I have the mental space to write. At the moment, I’m still working HEAPS which is so amazingly lucky but it doesn’t leave me much brain space for writing. I love co-writing with people too so I can’t wait to get back into that in a few months time! 

 How many times does it take for you to listen to a song that you love before you actually hate it instead (or the other way around)? Are there any/many songs this happens with?
Hahahaha, well I did an insta-choir version of Two Strong Hearts (where people sent me videos of themselves playing along to a cover of it that I did) and by the end of that week I needed a break from that song. But I’m back in now - didn’t take very long, haha.

Finally, and this one is important, so please pay attention. On average, how many times a week do you hurt yourself trying to dance in the shower?
Well I don’t even try to dance in the shower because I just KNOW I’d fall over and knock out my teeth on the bath. Or worse - scrape my back on the tap when I stood up!! 

Seriously though, final question; what now / what’s next? Anything in the works for after the single launch? Or outside of that, what's the next thing you've got going on in general that you're looking forward to?
I plan to release a couple more singles this year and then an album next year which is bloody exciting. Apart from that I’m looking forward to hanging out with my friends and seeing my mum and getting out of the city :)

Thanks so much to Katie for her time answering our strange questions (we’re losing our minds a little in isolation), and be sure to check out Good Guy and her next livestream this Friday (April 17)!



