Our writer Tori caught up with Dal Santo to chat about their new single ‘Fall In’ - and we’ve got the exclusive premier! Read through to the end to find out all about their inspiration, who they’re listening to right now, and what to expect coming up from the band in the future.

When Dal Santo guitarist Gaurav wrote ‘Fall In’ he could never have imagined the global pandemic we are now facing;

“This song came at an interesting time. We wrote it just before this was all kind of happening and we had a lot of gigs lined up and a lot of awesome things happening, like every music lover and every muso in the world really” 

Dal Santo were scheduled up for a big year of gigs with two strong EP’s behind them and the addition of their new drummer, Sunny whose name reflects her impact on the band.

“It’s interesting because when you get a new member in a band, they come to you and say I really love that song, and you think, we don't play that live. Sunny’s favourite song is Radio, but we haven't played that live for a couple of years actually. On top of that you have a whole new feel because you have a new member who adds their touch on it.

We had a few friends EP launches and album launches lined up this month. We had a gig with our friends Catholic Guilt which has been moved to August. Postponed, not cancelled which is great and playing with our old friend, Late Nights. That was lined up for a couple of weeks ago but unfortunately cancelled”.

Given Dal Santo were regulars to the pubs and bars of Melbourne, like so many of us, music is a religion and we can’t go to church.

 Which venues do you miss or want to get to?
“I’ve gotta say the Gasometer is probably one of my favourites. We did a residency there last year and it was the end of summer. They would open up the roof in the big main band room, so when the support acts were on, the sun was sort of still glimmering through and its kind of light in that room. Then it gets a bit darker but has that open air, open festival - you know like when you do a stadium show when they have the open roof feel which is more intimate? So I would say its one of my favourites”

 So, tell me, inspiration, where did this song come from?
“Yeah, so this is an interesting one. We wrote it pretty recently, just before things started getting pretty grim, but it’s kind of like a pessimistic view of when good things happen and they are always bound to get a bit shitter again, until you can see thats just what life is. So, it’s kind of a bleak view on things. You kind of go, this is great, but if you are looking at the world glass half full. The themes are a bit more optimistic - when I was younger I had this starry eyed view of the world. As you get older, it’s not that you are more pessimistic or cynical it’s just you kind of, you've lived a bit more, the world might have beat you down as well and you kind of learn from those experiences.” 

The new single is coming out, does this mean there is an album coming this year?
“We are working on an EP. We jumped in, we got in just in the nick of time. We jumped in the studio in January and smashed out a couple of songs going on the EP that we are hoping to release by the end of this year. Luckily, one of them got finished which is this single, Fall In. That was the one that, especially given everything that has happened, really stood out to us. A relevant song. It’s not a sad song, but it does have that sort of ‘arm around your best mate’ feel about it.” 

Leave the Light On is my favourite!
“Funny story about that one, you can hear traffic in the background. When we were recording the album we were doing it at Laneway studios and we would work on it on a Saturday night when the venue was closed to the public so we had the place to ourselves. One night, I reckon it was about two or three AM. We thought it would be a good idea with our producer, Will, to lug out all these mics literally on to Hoddle Street. He was like, I want to get this busking feel to it so he set up all these mics with cars revving past us, probably wondering what these guys are doing in the middle of the night. So we actually recorded it on Hoddle Street. You give it a listen, you can hear a couple of beeps towards the end.”

What is the last thing you listened to?
“Last thing I was listening to was a band called Pandamic, ironically. From Queensland, we played a gig with them last year. It was the 420 show, with The Bennies headlining. These guys were on the bill and they were super fun.”

Dal Santo are hoping to be back touring again soon, but to keep us going in the meantime, here is their new single with our own exclusive premiere - Fall In.

Tori Louise

Tori LOVES gigs. She is new to the writing scene but is keen to grow her portfolio and loves Aussie music just as much as we do. Her personal music goal for 2020 is to see 100 acts in the year hoping to break her previous goal of 60. When not going to gigs or writing sick reviews, she loves stretching it out with some Yoga and Personal Training.Tori’s first ever gig was The Killers ‘Hot Fuss’ tour, and she loves pretty much all genres except for heavy metal.


