The electrifying duo hailing from Magnetic Island, Yunbenun, and Townsville's Gurrambilbarra, known as Good Grief, have set the music scene abuzz with the announcement of their much-anticipated debut EP, "Been Here Before,". 

This EP not only serves as a cornerstone in their budding discography but also lays down a marker for their future musical endeavors.

The lead track of the EP, "NOMO," emerged from an intense writing session on Magnetic Island, where the duo immersed themselves in a makeshift studio for a week. This track not only guided the thematic direction of the EP but also set the tone stylistically, blending dark house elements with euphoric synth waves. Felix, one half of Good Grief, describes "NOMO" as a journey through dark times, finding solace in reflection, and ultimately moving forward.

"Been Here Before" is a testament to Good Grief's artistic journey, touching upon profound ideologies like growth and resilience. While the EP occasionally delves into darker themes, there's always a glimmer of hope that shines through, showcasing the duo's ability to navigate through contrasting emotions working with Producer, and Mixer ‘Mickey Kojack’ 

Jake, the other half of Good Grief, reflects on the EP's creative process, highlighting the contrast between their older and newer tracks. He emphasizes how this journey has not only shaped their sound but also allowed them to explore new musical territories, marking a significant evolution for the duo.

Drawing inspiration from a diverse range of influences spanning from Dilla to Chic, Good Grief seamlessly fuses their distinct musical backgrounds with a shared passion for modern dance music. Their debut single, "Sun," garnered immediate attention, earning them accolades like a premiere on Triple J Unearthed and features in prominent indie playlists.

Both Felix and Jake bring a wealth of experience to the table, with Felix having performed as a professional dancer to sold-out audiences globally, while Jake has honed his production skills playing at festivals and clubs across Australia and New Zealand. Their recent sold-out New Year's Eve show in Townsville is a testament to their growing popularity and magnetic stage presence.

Good Grief's music defies categorization, blending various styles and moods effortlessly. With their debut EP on the horizon and a remix of "SUN" in the works, the future looks incredibly promising for this dynamic duo. Keep a close watch on their socials for updates and immerse yourself in the electrifying world of Good Grief.

How are you Jake & Felix? 

J - lovely thanks! 

F- Really good thanks!

How’s the weather up north at the moment?

J - The weather is very tropical at the moment, its either very hot or raining. I love this time of year because we’re coming out of the full summer heat and everything starts to green up. 

Give our readers an insight into Good Grief, and how you and Felix came together?

J - Felix and I had been friends since about 2018 and immediately clicked as friends, we had heaps in common. Around 2019 I started working at a local live music venue / night club and Felix learnt how to DJ and he became a regular playing shows with us. Eventually Felix picked up the guitar again and started doing cover gigs and writing original songs. One thing kinda lead to another and we started working together.

During that period i was focusing on a different project called “Hood Rich” which was house music focused and with covid taking our clubs for so long my writing shifted from club music to basically anything i felt like. Was pretty good timing that felix was getting into music as i was shifting focus i guess!

F - Exactly what Jake said haha! When we met we really clicked on a bunch of different levels, but I was also really inspired by Jake as an artist/creator. He’s so passionate about music and he introduced me to so many new genres/artists I'd never heard of - particularly in the Electronic Dance Music world. Jake has always had incredibly strong visions for his sound (whether that be when he creates or when he would throw festivals/parties) and I was always so inspired by his depth of knowledge and attention to detail over these parts of his process.

Also Jake pretty much taught me how to produce music/DJ which is pretty rad! 

What has influenced the sounds of Good Grief? I see you’ve listed Dilla and Chic; anyone else that you pull inspo from for writing music?

J - Artist influences constantly change for me but there’s a bunch of producers that have always inspired me - people like Philippe Zdar (rip) Tim Goldsworthy, Danger Mouse, Paul Epworth, James Murphy, Joseph Mount, Mf Doom, Kevin Parker, Nile Rodgers, so many more but i dont wanna keep rambling. 

F - Yeah such a mix for good grief! And like Jake said, it changes a lot. I remember when we were writing the first ep we were both loving Durand Jones and the Indicators, LCD Soundsystem and Sault to name a few. But I’d say our newer stuff has a Tame Impala/Talking heads vibe to it.

Are you playing live instruments on this new ‘EP’, or are you pulling samples more than anything?

J - Basically everything is recorded live besides the drums which I spend a lot of time trying to make the samples feel unique to our music. All the effects are done with keyboards then manipulated in ableton as well. We try to avoid using melodic or instrument samples as much as possible to try to create something new. 

How was it working with Mickey Kojack on this EP? Any good stories?

J - Mickey did  the mix downs on this EP after we’d recorded and produced everything but he just came up to Townsville recently to work with me on the follow up EP. I don't think there’s any stories that are good one liners but I’ve worked with Mickey for years and it's always a blast, the guys a legend, an amazing musician/producer and we always have a lot of fun. 

F - Yeah he’s awesome! I did a vocal session with him in Sydney and he was just so welcoming and supportive. At that time I was semi-new to recording/music production and he was the best hype man haha!

Can you give us some insight into putting together ‘Sun’ and ‘Have It All’ the two lead singles of the Record?

J - both are pretty different processes. 

For Sun we were on Magnetic Island recording a bunch of demos and our friend Raymond was over there at the time and he helped us write Sun. Felix wrote the main synth line and originally we were planning the track to be a slower jam then I decided to swap the BPM and drums up to a more dance driven track and the rest of the instruments and vocals kinda wrote themselves. I think that track was almost fully wrote in a few hours.

Have It All; I’d been in New Caledonia on holidays for a couple weeks and each day i’d write a new beat idea and this track was in the pile once i returned. I showed Felix everything id worked on over there and this track jumped out to him. Again i think we wrote all the main parts and a basic structure in an hour. It’s always fun when tracks come together that fast, its an amazing feeling!

Do you have plans to play live? Or are you primarily sticking to Dj sets?

J - We played live twice last year opening for Donny Benet and The Delta Riggs. We’re hoping to plan a run of dates along the east coast for sometime this year. I think after every live show we will likely try find a place to DJ afterwards as well. Felix and I have DJ’d for years and its great to play a set that represents our sound in the club.  

What are your go-to records for listening when you have downtime?

J - I like listening to a lot of lowrider oldies and newer soul stuff to chill out but 5 classic comfort albums for me would be:

since i left you - avalanches

bright like neon love - cut copy

anything 1999 to 2006 by MF Doom and his various alias’

On the green again - tiger & woods

Nights out - metronomy 

F - Run it Back - Homebrew 

It’s all a bit fuzzy - Neil Frances

Young Heart - Benny sngs

Heaps of Daryl Hall and John Oates.

Silk degrees - Boz Scaggs

What’s it like being based in North Queensland? What is the music community like up there?

J - the community is pretty tight and strong. We have a great bunch of local musicians across a lot of different genres but because the city is so small it feels like a lot of people support each other regardless of genre differences.

F - I love the lifestyle here. It’s so spacious and really allows me to be so creative with my time. And yeah, the community up here is so tight/supportive. 

I personally pull alot of Justice, Jungle, LCD Soundsystem out of your music, that’s my personal take, but how would you describe your music to a new listener

J - yeah they’re definitely big influences. We don't intentionally aim for this when writing and recording but i think we sound like chill out music you can party too. 

What’s next for Good Grief, I hear a few remixes?

J - currently working on a remix for Mickey Kojaks new single. We have a remix of Sun coming out heaps soon - I wanted to make a remix we could play in our DJ sets that wasn’t the original and also kept the club sound system in mind. 

We’re currently hard at work on our second EP so hopefully we’ll have a single coming out in the next few months, and hoping to be on the road at some point soon too!

Where can we catch you?

Check us out on spotify and instagram! 

Any last words?

J - Thanks heaps for chatting with us, really appreciate the support! 

Everyone who reads this should go listen to the EP 10 times, tell you aunty and pop to do the same, let's get these numbers up baby!

F - Thanks for having us!

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