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Our gal Ashlee had a e-chat with Fraser from Heartline for q quick Q&A about their latest EP ‘i call for the sinking warmth’


Our gal Ashlee had a e-chat with Fraser from Heartline for q quick Q&A about their latest EP ‘i call for the sinking warmth’

Firstly, congratulations on the release of the EP! What was some of the inspiration behind ‘i call for the sinking warmth’? 
Thank you! Most of the inspiration came from personal issues at the time, there was just so much frustration we wanted to release through music. 

Can you walk me through the creative process that you went through to produce the EP? 
So first our guitarist Fraser started working on the structures and textures throughout 2019 and 2020, and then our vocalist Luke was able to begin building the lyrical content. 

This is probably a tough one…but what’s your personal favourite song off of the EP?
Personally, I (Fraser) think under the willow is my favourite overall, just because it sounds so unique and it’s such an important turning point on the EP. 

You guys were added to the Adelaide show as one of the support act for Belle Haven’s ‘Nobody Likes A Hospital’ tour. How did it feel to play these new songs live?
Amazing! We’ve spent so much time creating a live show that does these songs justice and to see people really get into it was heart-warming. 

I know it was only released a few days ago but how has the response been so far to ‘i call for the sinking warmth’? 
So special. We’ve had so many messages and people really seem to like the whole thing. Knowing that it is connecting with people has made all the work worth it for sure. 

Who are some of the Aussie acts you’ve been listening to right now? 
Northlane, Thornhill, Void Of Vision and Windwaker are our favourites, but for a bit of a different vibe we can’t go past Up Late and Ecca Vandal, they’re crushing it. 

What can we expect for the future of Heartline? 
Lots of music, sooner than you think. We’ve been busy. And of course hopefully some tours before the year is out!

Check out Ashlee’s heartening review of the new EP HERE!


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The South Australian Music Awards (SAMs) are set to go ahead in November, celebrating another incredible year of both up-and-coming and established South Australian musicians. Amongst the judges of the SAMs, ex-Adelaide local and Editor of Rolling Stone Australia, Tyler Jenke has a personal conn…

The South Australian Music Awards (SAMs) are set to go ahead in November, celebrating another incredible year of both up-and-coming and established South Australian musicians. 

The ceremony will be in line with COVID-19 restrictions, with the winners being announced on 3 November 2020. 

In 2019, the SAMs made waves as they encountered a record-breaking number of votes in the lead up to the event. 

Amongst the judges of the SAMs, ex-Adelaide local and Editor of Rolling Stone Australia, Tyler Jenke has a personal connection to the sounds which are emerging from South Australia.  

“I’m originally from Adelaide, so I’ve always had that really close experience and relationship with South Australian musicians,” he said.

“I think from a personal point of view that’s the big thing that really appeals to me, it’s just giving back to the music scene that gave so much to me.” 

Adelaide, a city which at times was overlooked on tour schedules by bigger artists, has been coined as the first and only UNESCO City of Music in Australia. Jenke found this to be a great step in the right direction for Adelaide musicians and fans. 

“As an Adelaide music fan, you would always miss out a little bit,” he said. “To have this sort of distinction like a UNESCO City of Music I feel that would really help for putting Adelaide on the map as more of a music city… it’ll mean that a lot more bands and artists have much more of a platform to show their stuff and end up as huge Australian names in the future.” 

Something which draws Jenke to the South Australian music scene is a sense of realness and vulnerability, with artists such as Wing Defence and Triple J Unearthed High Winners, Teenage Joans developing and distinguishing the South Australian sound. Jenke found the songwriting abilities of South Australian’s to be something which draws him to that scene. 

“And that shines true in their storytelling – they don’t necessarily sort of want to better all the other states or anything like that, they’re just sort of blazing their own trail,” he said. 

“It’s something to really be proud of, I feel.” 

Artists such as TOWNS, Horror My Friend, and Stellie are amongst the nominees for this year's SAMs. Jenke has a feeling that the bar will be raised yet again at the SAMs. 

“Every year it’s always such an amazing example of everything that artists have done off of their own back, there’s always so much creativity and innovation that comes out from these artists,” he said.

“So I think if anything I’m still just expecting more of the same - just expecting the next level to be reached once again as they do every year.”

In regards to COVID-19’s impact on the South Australian music scene, Jenke said 2020 will serve as a reminder of South Australia’s sheer determination to revive the scene. 

“I really feel it’ll highlight the tenacity of the South Australian music scene and hopefully a lot of outside states will be looking over and saying, ‘Wow, Adelaide have really got it,’” he said. 

“South Australian musicians really know how to survive under pressure.”


Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020
Further details to come 
The SAM Awards is looking ahead to the future in continuing their commitment to celebrating the thriving community of musicians that really make SA Great.

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