Our gal Ashlee had an e-chat with Verseary for a quick Q&A about her upcoming double single A Fools Gold.

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Our gal Ashlee had an e-chat with Verseary for a quick Q&A about her upcoming double single A Fools Gold.

Firstly, I just want to say that it was great working with you on this project and congratulations on the release! What was some of the inspiration behind ‘A Fools Gold’? 

It's a single with an extra song. The new song is called Losing Game.

It's called “A Fool’s Gold” as a lot of people were moving from Melbourne to regional areas of Victoria to escape the Covid restrictions. 

Essentially, the grass is not being greener on the other side. It’s also another term for pyrite which is fake gold. Victoria has many gold rush towns. Where I grew up and stayed last year was one of them. 

During our recording sessions we had a few struggles. Do you want to talk about that a little bit? 

We recorded in a busy rehearsal space and each room I had hired ended up next to the larger rooms that were occupied by a couple of Melbourne metal groups. 

You do what you can on a budget, and It was wonderful that the place was booked out and everyone’s able to rehearse again.

It was quite the competition when it came to recording vocals, but we got there in the end.

 You did an amazing job mixing and mastering the songs and I was happy to work with an up-and-coming female engineer.   

I really like the differences between the two songs and the dynamic it creates on the double single, with one being more mellow, and the other being heavier. Can you tell me about the meanings behind ‘Losing Game’ and ‘Sad, Bad and Blue’?
There are 2 different stories and they were written at different times throughout the lock down.

Losing Game is about having to move from somewhere you called home back to where you grew up and not knowing what lays ahead, especially post Covid.

The second song, Sad, Bad and Blue is about miscommunication and how some choose not to change their ways especially when you cared and tried to be a friend. 

What are some of your favourite Aussie artists right now? 

I’ve been listening to Jess Locke’s new album “Don’t ask yourself why” it’s fantastic! 

What can fans expect to see next for Verseary?                                                               

Some live shows coming up and I’m looking to record and E.P or Album in a few months. 

A Fools Gold will be available on the 30th of April via Bandcamp.



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