The BackBeat Podcast

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Nathan Cavaleri’s first solo album has arrived! This stunning mix of blues and indie rock pop has me convinced that Nathan has created his own genre- or, the Cavaleri sound. 

The smooth, buttery vocals transport you immediately into a state of pure transcendence. Off to a cracking start, the song builds nice and slow with a lovely guitar assisting the vocals, while the percussion builds gently behind Nathan’s crooning. Oh, this is a beautiful example of what it means to take two genres and smush it together in a delightful, folky pop track. I’m reminded of early Angus and Julia Stone- gentle acoustics that gradually flow into a more complex folk song. 

We have a folk-pop song over here! What a great beat to start off with. I am really getting some 70’s vibes from this song, a nice kick with some funky plucking of strings happening in the background and bridge. I can liken this song to an absolute 70’s classic- The Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits. The bass holds most of the power to this track. Wouldn't this just be wild to view live? Do you think Nathan could float me a ticket? Or swing by my hometown for a little gig when this is all over? 

At this stage, it’s starting to sound like every song is different than the last, an evolution of Nathan’s sound unfolding right into our very ears. “All my hugs come from behind” is a verbal representation of this song- the song wraps us up in a protective embrace and allows us to marvel at this man’s incredibly vast sound! Simple guitar and a little beat at the beginnings builds into something a bit more groovy and my goodness, that velvety voice just sweeps me off my feet. This whole album is taking me away. 

What is it about acoustic beginnings that really pull a song together? This really is the epitome of Nathan’s sound, I think. Something more on the folky/indie side of blues. It’s gentle, it’s smooth and It soothes my soul. I am finding it hard to concentrate on the narrative to each song, because I’m just blown away by how incredibly soft everything feels. It’s shaping up to be a beautifully well rounded album- I believe this whole album tells a tale more of Nathan’s personal, musical evolution rather than an actual story. 

Oh, lord, can someone please tell me what kind of guitar he uses? The acoustics are so well rounded, it’s almost haunting. The song begins with a lovely guitar 'solo' of sorts, and it is another transcending song. This song turns out to be void of any actual lyrics, and rather tells a story with the guitar. It rips right through you and takes your breath away. It just builds and builds to a great climax of sound. This is the soundtrack for lazy Sundays, watching the rain drip slowing from the gutters. Is there no end to Nathan’s talent? 

Hello! Yet another example of how versatile Nathan is! What do we have? An absolutely cracking cover of Cold Chisel's rock anthem ‘Rising Sun’. This cover is insane- a back up singer and a basic beat- a screaming guitar and that delicious voice ties this all together and honestly, I don’t know if there is anything this man can't do. 

This track verges more on the pop/indie rock vibe that I was hoping to hear from Nathan. It’s punchy, it’s fresh and I honestly am enjoying this so much. This track is a bop for sure, it is already at it’s peak well before the second verse, and maintains that heat with hard hitting drums and that gorgeous guitar pulling us all in and strapping us down. I’m still getting a more vintage vibe from this album, which is extremely refreshing. Personally, I love this type of deep slide guitar, it affects us all a little differently. 

This is the first song on this album that I feel like I can actually understand. Nathan has seen a girl who’s boyfriend is a dirtbag, and he’s offering her a chance to get away and drive coast to coast in his ‘boho limousine’. This is the kind of song that would absolutely kill at a blues festival- a little dive bar somewhere and you can’t move because there are so many people around who all want a piece of Nathan. It’s a smashing song with a little of that slide guitar I love so much. These songs aren’t overly complicated- they were literally made to be performed and that is what i am loving about it. Nathan has a story to tell, and he is ready to share it with us. 

Why is this man so multi-talented? Is it years of travelling and touring with musical legends? I understand that Nathan has had a rough go of it in terms of poor health, but it is incredible to see him emerge from some time away to give us an experience, rather than just an album. 

Nathan is rounding this album out with some Blues and Roots and this gorgeous track a little bit funky, a little bit folky, but so, so groovy. I’m enjoying it immensely. 

A solid start to the end of the album. It is the epitome of blues for sure! A solid minute is just a groovy little Blues riff, that stunning guitar front and centre. Nathan comes in a little quieter with his vocals this time, but I like that the music is taking centre stage. It’s groovy, it’s lively and it’s a pleasure to listen to. Vocals don’t feature too heavily in this final track but it doesn’t matter, It’s the perfect song to round out his first solo album. 


What a beautiful, solid beginning to Nathan’s solo career. In an interview conducted a few weeks ago for this very website, Nathan mentioned that he now has a story to tell us- “when he was younger, he just wanted to play; now, he has something to say”. I think this album is an evolution of where he started to where he is now, taking some of his life experiences to show us that he is made of stronger stuff. This album is incredibly well rounded and diverse, each song different but still finding a way to fit into the genre that is Blues. This album could honestly be listed anywhere- Blues, Indie Pop, Folk, Australian Rock, anything. There is so much to take in. 

Please, give this whole album a listen. I know you will find something in this for you. 

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