The BackBeat Podcast

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Richmond was buzzing on Good Friday Eve, with punters lining up for a sold out Corner show. Melbourne felt like it was settling back into its old rhythm as restaurants were fully booked and the rooftop was standing room only by 8:00pm. 
It was comforting to be back in one of the most iconic venues, with plenty joining early to see local four piece garage band, Lou Lou. They appeared as through they could have been in the cast of Freaks and Geeks - the lead singer rocking a mullet, keyboard player in a vest, bassist who was all fringe and young drummer to boot. 

They held a british vibe, reminding me of songs like ‘Nightclubbing” by Iggy Pop in the late 70s. The band have been together since 2019 and the fact they hadn’t been playing shows was evident as they cautiously navigated their set. There was a couple of fun songs toward the end, with a cheeky guitar solo. Without a doubt there is talent in this band and will be interesting to see how they curate their sound in the coming months. 

Bakers Eddy were second to play and beamed onto stage following the release of their album, Love Boredom Bicycles. These guys are one of my favourite acts to see live, with this show being my fifth in a little over two years. Frontman, Ciarann was giving Dave Le’aupepe vibes in a open black shirt and flowing locks - however gave his personal flair with a bold red necklace. Kicking off with one off their 2019 EP ‘Can’t Afford It’. Their sound was tight and they looked at ease on stage, playing a collection of new and old tracks.  

This confidence served them well when Ciarann accidentally stepped on bass player, Ian’s pedals leaving him with no sound. He later commented “don’t stand on your bass player pedals cos it f*cks your show”. Although I disagree, the best bands are the ones who roll with the punches and Bakers did exactly that, fixing up their tech and launching into their most popular song of the night so far, T-shirt. It had the crowd singing along. Drummer, Jamie was especially fun to watch with a white singlet and thick mo channelling his inner Freddie Mercury. The boys finished with my new favourite, Sober. This is a song that fans begged for them to release for months after teasing it at their live shows with the relatable lyrics “Where will I be when I’m 25?”

After an excited wait, WAAX arrived and were warmly welcomed. Lead singer, Maz looked incredible with her slick back bleach hair and dark lipstick, like a dirty rock Draco Malfoy. She embraced the room, belting out ‘No Apology’ and quickly following up with ‘Same Same’. Venues have learnt from the happy chaos of previous WAAX shows with a stage barrier and four security guards holding back the crowd. Considering the last time I saw WAAX they had Bakers Eddy, Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers and half the crowd on stage dancing the venue down, it was a smart move by The Corner. 

It was frustrating to hear feedback issues throughout the set, but apart from this they sounded mint. It was an infectious energy that soon had the dust pulled out of the carpet and the air con was dripping as it contended with the heavy sweat in the room. ‘Wild & Weak’ got everyone heaving forward with Maz jumping from the stage onto the barriers, while fans bathed in her presence. One guy was keen enough to scale the infamous pole like a musical gremlin before being ordered back down. They finished the set with their classic, Labrador. 

Not ones to let the crowd, they returned to stage for not just “one more song” but two - ‘Whoever’ and ‘Most Hated Girl’. The band appreciated the moment, calling out “Thank you! We love you so much”. We love you too WAAX <3

Check out Lauren’s full gallery here!