The BackBeat Podcast

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Strap yourselves in for an incredibly relatable track. 

Lottie Liams is a Melbourne Based, self described indie-pop artist. She's played with Middle Kids, Ruby Fields and Ukulele Death Squad and is looking to expand her act to include a full band- and my gosh, this song is a cracker of a way to start!

With previous releases like Blame It All On Me really cutting into our feelings, ‘Uncomfortable’ really hits hard for those of us that have fallen victim to an ‘It's Complicated’ type of relationship. 

We're not together, but you don’t like seeing me with other people? Well, that is just too bad. 

The song was produced by Slowly, Slowly’s own producer Ben Stewart, and in comparing with her previous releases, Uncomfortable starts to bridge on the darker side of Indie pop. You can groove to it for sure, and it’s the kind of “F you” song we all need to get ourselves hyped up for a night out. The energy she provides is like an uplifting hug.

Liams' soft, delicate vocals mixed with some groovy percussion jumps right into her narrative. My gosh, this person is getting on her nerves for sure. The song really flows and her vocals take front and centre. Lottie’s singing about what seems like an egotistic asshat, who wants her all to themselves, but also won't commit. A poppy baseline is all that’s needed to tie this pretty song up in a big bow- and Ben Stewart you sure did it!

This song is like an emergence of self. Lottie is tired of your shit, mate! She has finally had enough and is now putting you back into your little place so she can go and finally do her own thing without worrying about your feelings. 

This stripped back, ‘simple’ song really catches your attention and I would kill to see this live. 

My favourite lyric is just when the bridge ends “you do just the same so it's my turn to power play”- what a line!!! 

Overall, this song grooves and it’s so, so relatable. It’s a bit of a change from her normal sound but I really dig where her music seems to be heading. Watching artists grow and evolve is such a magical thing. I'm convinced that putting personal touches into songs really make them stand out from the rest and this one for sure makes me think that Lottie has just put a person in the metaphorical rubbish bin. 

Lottie Liams, you have killed it this song and I can’t wait to hear more! This song is like the personal hype we needed to get ourselves over those kinds of people. Can we hang out sometime, maybe? 

‘Uncomfortable’ is out July 30!