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"As elegant as it is angsty, the single channels the style of bands like The War On Drugs and Real Estate with ease." 
- AU Review

Littered with bruised optimism over a mural coloured by dreamy indie-rock, Sammm.   the pseudonym for the Brisbane-based Samuel Geddes – has released an incandescent new single 'Four Eyes' (OUT NOW).

Stream ‘Four EyesHERE

Widening his canvas since his previous releases over the past two years, Sammm. draws melancholic sentiments from life-changing experiences from growing up and times of intense heartbreak.

Filled with both pain and a lack of hope 'Four Eyes' explores the internalised conflict that can manifest in the mind. Geddes explains:

"It's inspired by two opposite outlooks entangled inside one's mind. These states of mind are heavily influenced by themes of substance abuse and its effects on one's relationships, self-care and life balance."

'Four Eyes' opens with the lucid tones of clean finger-picked guitar before being accompanied by the smooth, upbeat drums and bass that propel the track forward.

Geddes has space to embellish the guitar melody as he gently works his way up the fretboard and slides back down before coming in with an angsty yet elegantly restrained tone - aligning with his poignant lyricism. 

As the track sweeps forward, layers of overdriven/ fuzz guitar tones are introduced to add some grit. Geddes plays into the twisted emotions that are expressed in his lyrics with his increasingly eccentric delivery that accentuates his distinct vocal tone and accent which over the years has been moulded from his punk influences. 

Sammm. is fortunately able to bring this pensive yet luminescent new track live on stage in front of a real audience. He'll be launching his new single at the Black Bear Lodge in Brisbane on Thursday, the 6th of August alongside LouLou and Tom Dron.

Single Launch
Thursday, August 6 - Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane w/ LouLou & Tom Dron

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