The BackBeat Podcast

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Angie McMahon, Band and Crew. 
Photo Credit by Lily Watkin

“As a manager, I’ve had to inform our whole team of multiple cancellations throughout the year. It’s difficult when there’s no timeline as to if or when their shows will be rescheduled. Angie and I talked about session musicians and crew and the people who live show to show. I’m speaking to people who are struggling to pay their rent, who are fearful for their futures, who have children to look after. We discussed the fact Support Act’s resources will be stretched during this time so we felt the need to do something for those facing temporary unemployment. It’s the collective mental wellbeing of our industry we are trying to protect. It’s an issue close to our hearts. Support Act are a trusted charity to help our fellow colleagues and friends who are most vulnerable.”  - Charlotte Abroms (Manager)


In the wake of COVID-19 and in accordance with the government entertainment industry workers have acknowledged it’s the right thing to do in an effort to protect the health and safety of all members of the community, by cancellations events, festivals, tours, gigs and conferences, which has now left the industry facing a huge crisis.

As seen in the response to the bushfire crisis recently, the Australian music industry rallied and donated their time and resources and raised millions of dollars to help our country in crisis.

Australian music workers are part of one of the most vulnerable industries when it comes to job stability and mental wellbeing and is also amongst one of the most generous and driven by passion.

Now, many people in our industry have lost income, some affected more dramatically than others, from musicians, to sound engineers, tour managers, production companies, artist managers, crew, security, booking agents, venues, door staff, bar staff, publicists, caterers, merch sellers and even music publications and community radio stations.

Joining forces with not for profit Support ActArtist Manager Charlotte Abroms, Sound Engineer Jono Steer, and Musician Angie McMahon have set up a fundraiser via Facebook Australian music needs your help. Who would like to help? to distribute to music industry workers who most need it. 

“I saw a huge flurry of panicked social media posts of fellow crew members losing their entire year of work. I am also in this boat, however, I have the ability to work in a studio which will hopefully allow me to survive. A lot of my other colleagues live gig to gig and don’t have sufficient savings to get them through more than a couple of months. While there’s no help for sole traders in the stimulus package, we felt the need to do something. These sole traders are the backbone of the industry.”  
- Jono Steer (Sound Engineer)

In less than 24 hours the fundraiser has raised almost $10K. For those out there struggling emotionally, please use Support Act as a resource to help you or use their 'Help A Mate' function to help a friend -

Pictured Left to Right:
Charlotte Abroms, Jono Steer, Angie McMahon

All funds raised will be donated to Support Act and donations can be made via Facebook fundraisers:


Support Act Website Angie McMahon Website Facebook Fundraiser