The BackBeat Podcast

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Congratulations on the EP! Can you tell me a little bit about the inspiration behind it?
Thank you so much! Wide Awake was created over such a long period of time. The EP doesn’t have a consistent story or theme as such, but I think you can hear the growth of Days Like These as a band. We definitely feel that we found ourselves as musicians throughout the journey of creating this body of music. The title stems from a lyric I used in multiple songs across the EP, and
I think the words ‘Wide Awake’ also sum up what I was just mentioning before about realising and
finding ourselves as musicians.

What’s your favourite song off of Wide Awake?
My personal favourite song will have to be ‘High & Glow’. I think it’s the most unexpected song on the EP, and I hope it surprises people who haven’t heard it before listening to the record. It’s
heavy, energetic and incorporates some very cool soundscapes and atmospheres.

What did the production process look like?
We went into this EP not really knowing what we wanted out of it. In the past, we’ve played with quite a few different sounds, but when we were writing this material, we were really struggling to complete songs and be stoked with them. In the end, we just took the best songs we had to Chris (Lalic) and we deconstructed them and made them the best we could. Two of the songs we wrote from scratch while we were in the studio and they turned out to be some of the best.

Who are the top three Aussie artists/acts you’ve been listening to recently?
- One band I always keep coming back to is Ocean Grove. The development on their latest
album is incredible, considering the setbacks they faced as a band. They came back
stronger than ever and some of the best OG songs are on Flip Phone Fantasy.

- A smaller band from Adelaide called Heartline have recently found themselves on my
radar. They just put out an amazing EP and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the cycle
has planned for them. I’d love to play a show with them at some point.

- Lastly, and with absolutely no shame, I am obsessed with Amy Shark. She just released
her new album too and it has made me fall in love with her all over again. I think her story is
very motivational too. The amount of hard work she put in for all those years is incredible.

What’s next for Days Like These? Any live shows coming up?
Yeah! We have a headline show at the end of this month which we are incredibly excited for, it’s
going to be a very special night. For the following months, we have a handful of shows lined up which are nearly ready to announce, but I can’t say anything just yet. Other than that, we already
have a huge amount of new material.